Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Are You Listening George ?

(written 26.2.03)

Morning news casts a pall
each waking day gives no relief

darker and darker the hope for peace
relentless this raw war propaganda

and yet so clear are the sighted ones
like truth flowing from the purest spring
Pliger, Ben, Chomsky, Fisk, Araundati Roy
I'd trust my life to them if they were leaders
these 'no-war' avengers - we'd have a world of peace

I attemp to reconcile this black comedy of errors
into some rational perspective
but feel only Machiavellian, Macbethian
impending human tragedy

so if or when those Arab-hating missiles
rain down on the innocent ones
will the bodies be counted as scrupulously
as those tallied on September eleven ?
will they be buried, commemorated with monuments
remembered yearly in memorial services ?
will we ever even know their names ?

as to Bush, the man with all the power
self-proclaimed leader of the new world order
who had to be warned by his speech-writer
"Mr President,
don't use that word 'crusade' again ever"

the man who used every trick in the law book
and all those not - to steal his stately presidency

what does this say of American democracy ?
of an oil millionaire, of a cretinous cheat
who would put at risk world peace
who would have soldiers dying
not for humanitarian values
but for his global expansion - control of oil
this man who will have blood on his hands
who many will call a mass murderer

have him up for trial - war criminal !

Pamela Sidney 2003

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